Key: Story threads -- Redbrands | Cragmaw Castle | Wave Echo Cave | Both Cragmaw Castle & Wave Echo Cave
graph LR RedbrandHangout["

(Toblin Stonehill) Redbrands hang out at Sleeping Giant Tap House and they are trouble

"]:::RedbrandStory RedbrandHangout-->LearnAboutRedbrands RedbrandShakedown["

(Elmar Barthen) The Redbrands are shaking down local businesses

"]:::RedbrandStory RedbrandShakedown-->LearnAboutRedbrands RedbrandHideoutLocation["

(Daren Edermath) The Redbrand hideout is at Tresendar Manor

"]:::RedbrandStory GetRidOfRedbrands["

(Daren Edermath) Wants players to take out Redbrands

"]:::RedbrandStory GetRidOfRedbrands-->LearnAboutRedbrands DiggingOldOwlWell["

(Daren Edermath) QUEST: There is undead and digging at Old Owl Well, used to be magical, want someone to investigate

"]:::EitherLocationStory HamunQuest["

Hamun wants you to get rid of the orc camp at Triboar Trail or ask Agatha about who made the magic tower in exchange for the location to Wave Echo Cave

"]:::EitherLocationStory DiggingOldOwlWell-->HamunQuest GoblinCragmawCastle["

(Halia Thorton) The goblin working for the Redbrands might know the way to Cragmaw Castle; Halia will leverage this info to get players to accept her quest

"]:::CragmawCastleStory KillRedbrandLeader["

(Halia Thorton) Wants players to kill the leader of the Redbrands (she has secret plans to take over)

"]:::RedbrandStory ReidothLocation["

(Qelline Alderleaf) A druid named Reidoth can help you find Cragmaw Castle or Wave Echo Cave; they are at ruins of Thundertree

"]:::EitherLocationStory GreenDragon["

Wants players to get rid of green dragon in Thundertree in exchange for info on Wave Echo Cave / Cragmaw Castle

"]:::EitherLocationStory ReidothLocation-->GreenDragon AskAgathaAboutBook["

(Sister Garaele) QUEST: Go to Agatha's Lair with comb, ask Agatha the banshee about wizard book location

"]:::EitherLocationStory AgathaInfo["

If players are nice to Agatha or give her the comb, she can give them one piece of information

"]:::EitherLocationStory OrcsTriboarTrail["

(Harbin Wester) The townmaster wants someone to deal with the orcs around Triboar Trail

"]:::EitherLocationStory TownmasterAndRedbrands["

(Harbin Wester) Townmaster doesn't want players to mess with Redbrands, keep them in jail

"]:::RedbrandStory MissingIarno["

(Sildar Hallwinter) Looking for missing member of order, Iarno (he is secretly new leader of Redbrands)

"]:::RedbrandStory MissingIarno-->LearnAboutRedbrands SisterGaraeleExhausted["

(Narth) Sister Garaele recently returned to the Shrine of Luck injured and exhausted

"]:::EitherLocationStory AskAgathaAboutBook["

QUEST: Go to Agatha's Lair with comb, ask Agatha the banshee about wizard book location

"]:::EitherLocationStory AskAgathaAboutBook-->AgathaInfo SisterGaraeleExhausted-->AskAgathaAboutBook OrcsTriboarTrail["

(Lanar) The townmaster wants someone to deal with the orcs around Triboar Trail

"]:::EitherLocationStory OrcsTriboarTrail-->RemoveOrcCamp DendrarFamilyKidnapped["

(Trilena) Thal Dendrar stood up to Redbrands; they killed him and kidnapped his family

"]:::RedbrandStory LearnAboutRedbrands["

Motivate players to take down Redbrands

"]:::RedbrandStory LearnAboutRedbrands-->FindRedbrands DendrarFamilyKidnapped-->LearnAboutRedbrands SecretTunnelKnowledge["

(Pip) Carp at Alderleaf Farm saw a secret tunnel in the woods; the Redbrands almost caught him

"]:::RedbrandStory SecretTunnelLocation["

The Redbrand hideout has a secret tunnel entrance located near Tresendar Manor

"]:::RedbrandStory SecretTunnelKnowledge-->SecretTunnelLocation RedbrandsAndHalia["

(Freda) Redbrands don't mess with Halia at Phandalin Miner's Exchange

"]:::RedbrandStory KillRedbrandLeader["

Wants players to kill the leader of the Redbrands (she has secret plans to take over)

"]:::RedbrandStory KillRedbrandLeader-->LearnAboutRedbrands RedbrandsAndHalia-->KillRedbrandLeader GoblinCragmawCastle["

The goblin working for the Redbrands might know the way to Cragmaw Castle; Halia will leverage this info to get players to accept her quest

"]:::CragmawCastleStory GoblinCragmawCastle-->LearnAboutRedbrands RedbrandsAndHalia-->GoblinCragmawCastle RedbrandHideoutLocation["

(Carp) The Redbrand hideout is at Tresendar Manor

"]:::RedbrandStory RedbrandHideoutLocation-->FindRedbrands SecretTunnelLocation["

(Carp) The Redbrand hideout has a secret tunnel entrance located near Tresendar Manor

"]:::RedbrandStory FindRedbrands["

Find location of and enter Redbrand hideout

"]:::RedbrandStory FindRedbrands-->RedbrandMinionInfo SecretTunnelLocation-->FindRedbrands AgathaInfo["

(Agatha the Banshee) If players are nice to Agatha or give her the comb, she can give them one piece of information

"]:::EitherLocationStory AgathaInfo-->FindCragmawCastle AgathaInfo-->FindWaveEchoCave AgathaInfo-->LearnTowerMaker GreenDragon["

(Reidoth) Wants players to get rid of green dragon in Thundertree in exchange for info on Wave Echo Cave / Cragmaw Castle

"]:::EitherLocationStory GreenDragon-->FindWaveEchoCave GreenDragon-->FindCragmawCastle WaveEchoCaveMap["

(Gundren Rockseeker) Has a map leading to Wave Echo Cave

"]:::WaveEchoCaveStory WaveEchoCaveMap-->FindWaveEchoCave HamunQuest["

(Hamun the Necromancer) Hamun wants you to get rid of the orc camp at Triboar Trail or ask Agatha about who made the magic tower in exchange for the location to Wave Echo Cave

"]:::EitherLocationStory RemoveOrcCamp["

Players can remove orc camp from Wyvern Tor

"]:::EitherLocationStory RemoveOrcCamp-->FinishHamunQuest HamunQuest-->RemoveOrcCamp LearnTowerMaker["

Ask Agatha about maker of old magic tower ruin

"]:::EitherLocationStory LearnTowerMaker-->FinishHamunQuest HamunQuest-->LearnTowerMaker FinishHamunQuest["

(Hamun the Necromancer) Talk to Hamun about completing one of his tasks

"]:::EitherLocationStory FindWaveEchoCave["

Explore Wave Echo Cave

"]:::WaveEchoCaveStory FinishHamunQuest-->FindWaveEchoCave RedbrandMinionInfo["

(Goblin Droop and Bugbears) You find some bugbears messing with a goblin, Droop. After defeating the bugbears you can interrogate them or get Droop to tell you the location of Cragmaw Castle

"]:::CragmawCastleStory FindCragmawCastle["

Find location of Cragmaw Castle

"]:::CragmawCastleStory FindCragmawCastle-->WaveEchoCaveMap RedbrandMinionInfo-->FindCragmawCastle classDef RedbrandStory fill:#FFA78E,stroke:#FFF; classDef EitherLocationStory fill:#BCD6BB,stroke:#FFF; classDef CragmawCastleStory fill:#F6DD8B,stroke:#FFF; classDef WaveEchoCaveStory fill:#96acff,stroke:#FFF;